Post-Conviction Relief for Immigrants


§ 7.30 c. Family Unity Program

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            Established by the Immigration Act of 1990, § 301, this program allows noncitizens to obtain temporary lawful status and employment authorization if they are relatives of Legalization Program recipients and if they are awaiting adjustment of status to Lawful Permanent Resident to join their family members.  The statute creates a bar for those who are convicted of one felony or three misdemeanors.


            The Family Unity Program also disqualifies juvenile offenders based on a finding of delinquency based on certain offenses that would be punishable as a felony if prosecuted in adult court.  An adjudication of a criminal offense in juvenile court does not constitute a criminal “conviction” for immigration purposes, and will therefore not trigger any adverse immigration consequences that flow from a “conviction.”[110]  The Family Unity legislation, however, disqualifies a noncitizen who committed an act of juvenile delinquency which if committed by an adult would be a felony involving a substantial risk that the use or threat of force against an individual would be used in the course of commission of the offense.[111]

[110] Matter of Ramirez-Rivero, 18 I. & N. Dec. 135 (BIA 1981); Matter of CM, 5 I. & N. Dec. 327 (BIA 1953) (juvenile finding of commission of crime involving moral turpitude does not constitute a “conviction” or trigger inadmissibility).

[111] IIRAIRA § 383, amending Immigration Act of 1990, § 301(e)(3).  See California Criminal Law and Immigration, § 11-7, n.16.