Post-Conviction Relief for Immigrants


§ 7.28 a. The Legalization Program

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Also called “amnesty,” the Legalization Program provides that a noncitizen who resided in the United States from 1982 onwards could obtain Lawful Permanent Resident status.  The noncitizen is ineligible to receive this benefit, however, if s/he has been convicted of one felony or three misdemeanors.[107]  For this purpose, a felony is defined as an offense punishable by more than one year in custody, and a misdemeanor is punishable by one year or less in custody, except that (a) an offense punishable by five days or less constitutes an infraction, and (b) if the state designates an offense as a misdemeanor, and the sentence actually imposed is one year or less, the offense is considered a misdemeanor even if the state maximum is greater than one year.[108]


[107] INA § 245A(a)(4)(B), 8 U.S.C. § 1255(a)(4)(B).

[108] See 8 C.F.R. § 245a.1(o), (p), and Comments, 53 Fed. Reg. 9,862-64 (March 28, 1988).