

Because this area of law is so complex, checklists are indispensible.  We have gathered a number of checklists here, to assist in identifying the immigration consequences of a given criminal conviction.  


Other valuable checklists are published as Premium Resource bonus items in the Premium Resources Area of this Website. 


For your convenience, we have updated all of these checklists and published them along with many others  in one convenient softcover volume.  N. Tooby & J. Rollin, Tooby’s Checklists on Criminal Immigration Law (2010). 


Free Checklists


Categorical Analysis Checklist
How to tell what type of analysis is used for each conviction-based ground of deporation and inadmissibility after Nijhawan. 


Federal Deportable Convictions Checklist
All federal statutes that trigger a conviction-based ground of deportation where a defendant has suffered a conviction of that statute. 


Crime-Related Grounds of Inadmissibility


Aggravated Felony Alphabetical Quick Checklist


Checklist of Federal Drug Offenses
All federal controlled substances offenses. 


Checklist of Federal Aggravated Felony Firearms Offenses
All federal firearms statutes listed in the aggravated felony definition.


Evolution of the Aggravated Felony Statute
All amendments to the aggravated felony definition, and the legislation enacting them, with their effective dates. 


Federal Controlled Substances Checklist
An alphabetical list of all controlled substances listed in the federal controlled substances acts.  Click here.


Checklist of Non-Substantive Offenses
All INA references to attempt, conspiracy, solicitation, and other inchoate offenses. 


Post-Conviction Case Evaluation Checklist
Factors to consider in determining the chances of success in obtaining post-conviction relief. 


Intake Form
Questionnaire with blanks for all facts an immigration expert needs to diagnose the immigration consequences of a client's criminal history.  A completed copy of this Intake Form is necessary if you seek legal services provided by the Law Offices of Norton Tooby.