Crimes of Moral Turpitude
- §9.1 H. Judicial Decisions
- §9.2 A. Accessory Liability
- §9.3 1. Aiding and Abetting
- §9.4 2. Accessory After the Fact
- §9.5 3. Misprision of a Felony
- §9.6 B. Controlled Substance Offenses
- §9.7 1. Drug Possession and Lesser Offenses
- §9.8 2. Drug Regulatory Offenses
- §9.9 3. Drug Trafficking Offenses
- §9.10 C. Crimes Against the Person
- §9.11 1. Abortion
- §9.12 2. Attempted Suicide
- §9.13 3. Assault
- §9.14 a. Simple Assault
- §9.15 b. Aggravated Assault
- §9.16 c. Assault with Intent to Commit a CMT
- §9.17 4. Battery
- §9.18 5. Endangerment
- §9.19 6. Kidnapping
- §9.20 7. Libel
- §9.21 8. Manslaughter
- §9.22 a. Voluntary Manslaughter
- §9.23 b. Involuntary Manslaughter
- §9.24 c. No Statutory Distinction
- §9.25 9. Mayhem
- §9.26 10. Murder
- §9.27 11. Robbery
- §9.28 12. Stalking
- §9.29 13. Threats
- §9.30 D. Crimes Against the Government
- §9.31 1. Bribery
- §9.32 2. Contempt
- §9.33 3. Counterfeiting
- §9.34 4. Disorderly Conduct and Riot
- §9.35 5. Escape, Harboring Fugitives
- §9.36 6. Financial Crimes
- §9.37 7. Fraud Against the Government
- §9.38 8. Gambling
- §9.39 9. Interference with Law Enforcement
- §9.40 10. Impersonating Law Enforcement
- §9.41 11. Mail Offenses
- §9.42 12. Military and Selective Service Offenses
- §9.43 13. Obstruction of Justice
- §9.44 14. Regulatory Offenses
- §9.45 15. Racketeering Offenses
- §9.46 16. Tax Evasion
- §9.47 17. Vagrancy
- §9.48 E. Crimes against Property
- §9.49 1. Arson
- §9.50 2. Breaking and Entering
- §9.51 3. Burglary
- §9.52 4. Copyright Infringement, Interference
- §9.53 5. Embezzlement
- §9.54 6. Extortion
- §9.55 7. Fraud
- §9.56 8. Nuisance
- §9.57 9. Passing Bad Checks
- §9.58 10. Property Damage or Destruction
- §9.59 11. Stolen Goods
- §9.60 a. Possession of Stolen Goods
- §9.61 b. Receiving Stolen Goods
- §9.62 12. Theft Offenses
- §9.63 13. Trespass
- §9.64 F. False Statement Offenses
- §9.65 1. False Statements - Generally
- §9.66 2. False Statements - to U.S. Government Official
- §9.67 3. False Statements - U.S. Government Benefits
- §9.68 4. False Statements - U.S. Citizenship
- §9.69 5. Forgery
- §9.70 6. Perjury
- §9.71 G. Firearms Offenses
- §9.72 1. Brandishing a Weapon
- §9.73 2. Carrying a Concealed Weapon
- §9.74 3. Possession of a Firearm
- §9.75 4. Use of Firearms
- §9.76 H. Immigration Offenses
- §9.77 1. Immigrant Smuggling
- §9.78 2. Illegal Re-entry after Deportation
- §9.79 3. False Immigration Documents and Other Offenses
- §9.80 I. Inchoate and Generic Crimes
- §9.81 1. Attempt
- §9.82 2. Conspiracy
- §9.83 3. Preparation Crimes
- §9.84 4. Solicitation
- §9.85 5. Target CMT Offenses
- §9.86 J. Motor Vehicle Offenses
- §9.87 1. Driving Under the Influence
- §9.88 2. Other Motor Vehicle Offenses
- §9.89 K. Offenses Involving the Family
- §9.90 1. Adultery and Bastardy
- §9.91 2. Bigamy
- §9.92 3. Child Abuse
- §9.93 4. Domestic Battery
- §9.94 5. Nonsupport of Children
- §9.95 6. Sexual Offenses
- §9.96 L. Sexual Offenses
- §9.97 1. Against Children
- §9.98 2. Fornication
- §9.99 3. Indecency
- §9.100 4. Lewdness, Sodomy, Homosexual Conduct
- §9.101 5. Obscenity
- §9.102 6. Prostitution and Pandering
- §9.103 7. Rape
- §9.104 8. Sexual Assault
- §9.105 9. Statutory Rape
§ 9.47 17. Vagrancy
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United States v. Cox, 536 F.2d 65 (5th Cir. 1976) (conviction of vagrancy for prostitution held crime of moral turpitude for impeachment purposes);
Matter of GR, 5 I. & N. Dec. 18 (BIA 1952) (conviction of crime of vagrancy, lewd under California Penal Code § 647.5 (“Every idle, or lewd, or dissolute person, or associate of known thieves . . . is a vagrant and is punishable . . . .”) is not a crime involving moral turpitude);
Matter VS, 2 I. & N. Dec. 703 (BIA 1946) (conviction of the crime of vagrancy in Canada or in New York is not an offense involving moral turpitude, inasmuch as the courts in those jurisdictions characterize the offense as punishing the condition of vagrancy into which the person had fallen and not as an omission or commission punishable by law).