Safe Havens


§ 7.206 (B)

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(B)  Non-Substantive Offense Safe Havens.  This ground of deportation expressly includes attempt and conspiracy, but no other non-substantive offenses.  Congress in effect excluded all other non-substantive offenses, such as aiding and abetting, accessory after the fact, misprision of a felony, solicitation, and other non-substantive offenses.  See § § 7.8-7.13, supra.


      The ground of deportability for a noncitizen who attempts to violate a provision of the Foreign Agents Registration Act was added in 1994.[1439]  The 1994 change applies both retrospectively and prospectively.[1440]


[1439] Immigration and Nationality Technical Corrections Act of 1994, Pub. L. No. 103-416, § 203(b)(2), 108 Stat. 4305, 4311.

[1440] Id., § 203(c).