Safe Havens
- §7.1 I. Introduction: Partial Safe Havens Defined
- §7.2 II. Aggravated Felony Safe Havens
- §7.3 A. Elements of the Aggravated Felony Deportation Ground
- §7.4 1. Alienage
- §7.5 2. Conviction
- §7.6 3. After Admission
- §7.7 4. Of a Substantive Offense, Attempt, or Conspiracy
- §7.8 a. Accessory After the Fact
- §7.9 b. Aiding and Abetting
- §7.10 c. Facilitation
- §7.11 d. Misprision of a Felony
- §7.12 e. Solicitation
- §7.13 f. Other Non-Substantive Offenses
- §7.14 5. That Falls Within a Generic Aggravated Felony Category
- §7.15 6. Foreign Conviction Date Requirement
- §7.16 7. That is a Violation of Federal or State Law
- §7.17 8. Parentheticals and Related To Language
- §7.18 B. Aggravated Felony Sentences
- §7.19 1. Aggravated Felonies Based on Felony Level of Offense
- §7.20 a. Aggravated Misdemeanors
- §7.21 b. Felony Requirement for Crimes of Violence Under 18 U.S.C. 16(b)
- §7.22 c. Felony Requirement for Drug Trafficking Aggravated Felonies
- §7.23 d. Reduction from Felony to Misdemeanor
- §7.24 2. Offenses That Are Aggravated Felonies Only If 1 Year Is Imposed
- §7.25 a. Definition of Sentence Imposed
- §7.26 b. Techniques for Avoiding a 1-Year Sentence
- §7.27 c. Effective Post-Conviction Relief from Sentence
- §7.28 3. Offenses Defined in Terms of Potential Sentence
- §7.29 C. Safe Havens for Specific Aggravated Felony Offenses
- §7.30 1. Accessory After the Fact
- §7.31 2. Alien Harboring
- §7.32 3. Alien Smuggling
- §7.33 4. Alien Transporting
- §7.34 5. Attempt
- §7.35 6. Bribery Commercial
- §7.36 7. Bribery of Witness
- §7.37 8. Burglary
- §7.38 9. Child Pornography
- §7.39 10. Conspiracy
- §7.40 11. Counterfeiting
- §7.41 12. Crimes of Violence
- §7.42 a. Statutory Definition of Both Prongs
- §7.43 b. Sentence Imposed Requirement
- §7.44 c. 18 U.S.C. 16(a)
- §7.45 i. No Element of Force
- §7.46 ii. No Listed Offense: Use, Threat, or Attempt
- §7.47 iii. Insufficient Physical Force
- §7.48 iv. Not Against Person or Property of Another
- §7.49 v. Insufficient Intent Element
- §7.50 vi. Political Offense Exception
- §7.51 d. 18 U.S.C. 16(b)
- §7.52 i. Conviction Not a Felony
- §7.53 ii. Not by its Nature
- §7.54 iii. No Substantial Risk
- §7.55 iv. Insufficient Physical Force
- §7.56 v. Not Against Person or Property of Another
- §7.57 vi. Not in Commission of Offense
- §7.58 vii. Not Use of Force
- §7.59 viii. Insufficient Intent Element
- §7.60 e. Other Safe Havens
- §7.61 13. Deceit
- §7.62 14. Destructive Device Trafficking
- §7.63 15. Document Fraud
- §7.64 16. Drug Trafficking
- §7.65 a. Elements of Both Prongs
- §7.66 b. Felony Requirement Safe Haven
- §7.67 c. Unidentified Drug Safe Haven
- §7.68 d. No Commercial Element Safe Haven
- §7.69 e. No Federal Analogue Safe Haven
- §7.70 f. Rehabilitative Relief Safe Haven
- §7.71 g. Other Safe Havens
- §7.72 17. Extortion
- §7.73 18. Failure To Appear in Court
- §7.74 a. To Face Charges
- §7.75 b. To Serve Sentence
- §7.76 19. Firearms Offenses
- §7.77 a. Firearms Trafficking
- §7.78 b. Other Firearms Offenses
- §7.79 20. Forgery
- §7.80 21. Fraud
- §7.81 a. Nature of the Offense
- §7.82 b. Loss to the Victim(s)
- §7.83 22. Illegal Re-Entry After Deportation
- §7.84 23. Kidnapping
- §7.85 24. Misprision of a Felony
- §7.86 25. Money Laundering
- §7.87 26. Murder
- §7.88 27. National Security Offenses
- §7.89 28. Obstruction of Justice
- §7.90 29. Perjury
- §7.91 30. Prostitution
- §7.92 31. Rape
- §7.93 32. Receiving Stolen Property
- §7.94 33. Revealing Undercover Agents Identity
- §7.95 34. RICO Offenses
- §7.96 35. Sexual Abuse of a Minor
- §7.97 a. No Element Involving Sex
- §7.98 b. No Element of Abuse
- §7.99 c. No Proof of Age
- §7.100 36. Solicitation
- §7.101 37. Statutory Rape
- §7.102 38. Tax Evasion
- §7.103 39. Theft
- §7.104 40. Vehicles With ID Numbers Removed - Trafficking
- §7.105 III. Crime of Moral Turpitude Safe Havens
- §7.106 A. Safe Havens for Both Deportation Grounds
- §7.107 B. Non-Substantive Offense Safe Havens
- §7.108 C. Regulatory Offenses
- §7.109 D. Safe Intents
- §7.110 1. Intent Required
- §7.111 2. Safe Levels of Intent
- §7.112 a. Strict Liability (i.e., No Criminal Intent)
- §7.113 b. General Intent (to Commit an Act)
- §7.114 c. Intent to Break the Law
- §7.115 d. Negligence
- §7.116 e. Gross Negligence
- §7.117 f. Recklessness
- §7.118 g. Willfulness/Knowledge
- §7.119 h. Other Safe Intents
- §7.120 i. Intent to Commit a Non-CMT
- §7.121 ii. Intent To Temporarily Deprive
- §7.122 iii. Malice
- §7.123 3. Differing Definitions of Common Levels of Intent
- §7.124 E. Other Safe Havens
- §7.125 F. Deportation Resulting from 1 Conviction
- §7.126 1. Elements of Ground of Deportation
- §7.127 2. Sentence Requirement
- §7.128 a. Maximum Sentence Under 1 Year
- §7.129 b. Former Versions
- §7.130 3. Not Committed Within 5 (or 10) Years of Admission
- §7.131 G. Deportability Resulting From 2 or More CMT Convictions
- §7.132 1. Elements of the Deportation Ground
- §7.133 2. Single Scheme Exception
- §7.134 3. Effect of Previous Grant of Relief
- §7.135 4. Attempt and Conspiracy
- §7.136 IV. Other Criminal Grounds
- §7.137 A. Controlled Substances Abuser or Addict
- §7.138 B. Controlled Substances Conviction
- §7.139 1. Elements of the Deportation Ground
- §7.140 2. General Safe Havens
- §7.141 3. Offense is Not a Substantive Offense, Attempt or Conspiracy
- §7.142 4. Offense Is Not Relating To a Controlled Substance
- §7.143 5. Drug is Not A Federally Listed Controlled Substance
- §7.144 6. Personal Possession of 30 Grams of Marijuana
- §7.145 7. Effective Rehabilitative Relief
- §7.146 8. Other Safe Havens
- §7.147 C. Domestic Violence Conviction Safe Havens
- §7.148 1. Elements of Deportation Ground
- §7.149 2. General Safe Havens
- §7.150 3. Offense is Not a Listed Substantive Offense
- §7.151 4. Non-Substantive Offenses
- §7.152 5. Conviction After Effective Date
- §7.153 6. Crime of Violence Safe Havens
- §7.154 a. Not a Listed Victim
- §7.155 b. Not a Crime Against the Person
- §7.156 7. Stalking
- §7.157 8. Child Abuse, Neglect or Abandonment
- §7.158 D. Domestic Violence Protection Order Violation Court Finding
- §7.159 1. Elements of Deportation Ground
- §7.160 2. Not Enjoined
- §7.161 3. Not a Court Finding
- §7.162 4. Finding by Wrong Court
- §7.163 5. Finding Not After Admission
- §7.164 6. Violation Not After Effective Date
- §7.165 7. Violation of Wrong Portion of Protection Order
- §7.166 E. Export Violation Conduct
- §7.167 F. Firearms or Destructive Device Conviction
- §7.168 1. Elements of Deportation Ground
- §7.169 2. General Safe Havens
- §7.170 3. Offense is Not a Listed Offense
- §7.171 4. Weapon is Not a Firearm or Destructive Device
- §7.172 a. Unidentified or Unlisted Weapon
- §7.173 b. Antique Firearm Exception
- §7.174 c. Ammunition Offenses
- §7.175 5. Sporting or Cultural Use Exception
- §7.176 6. Non-Substantive Offenses
- §7.177 a. In General
- §7.178 b. Attempt or Conspiracy
- §7.179 7. Other Safe Havens
- §7.179A G. Sex Offender Registration Violation
- §7.180 V. Immigration Grounds
- §7.181 A. Border Crossing Conviction
- §7.182 B. Failure to File Change of Address Conduct
- §7.183 C. False Claim to U.S. Citizenship Conduct
- §7.184 D. Fraud Document Fraud Administrative Finding
- §7.185 E. Fraud Marriage Fraud Conduct
- §7.186 F. Fraud Registration Document Fraud Conviction
- §7.187 G. Fraud Visa Fraud Conviction
- §7.188 H. High Speed Flight From Immigration Checkpoint Conviction
- §7.189 I. Public Charge Conduct
- §7.190 J. Smuggling Alien Smuggling Conduct
- §7.191 K. Smuggling Importation for Immoral Purpose Conviction
- §7.192 L. Unlawful Voting Conduct
- §7.193 VI. Immigration Status Violation Grounds
- §7.194 A. Conditional Permanent Residence Termination Conduct
- §7.195 B. Health Entry Conditions Violation Conduct
- §7.196 C. Inadmissibility at Adjustment of Status Conduct
- §7.197 D. Inadmissibility at Entry Conduct
- §7.198 E. Nonimmigrant Status Violation Conduct
- §7.199 F. Present in the United States in Violation of Law Conduct
- §7.200 G. Visa Revocation Conduct
- §7.201 VII. Security Grounds
- §7.202 A. Enemy Citizens During Wartime Conduct
- §7.203 B. Espionage Conduct
- §7.204 C. Espionage Conviction
- §7.205 D. Extrajudicial Killing Conduct
- §7.206 E. Foreign Agent Registration Act Conviction
- §7.207 F. Foreign Espionage Trainee Registration Conviction
- §7.208 G. Foreign Policy Conduct
- §7.209 H. Genocide Conduct
- §7.210 I. National Security Violation Conduct
- §7.211 J. Nazi Persecutors Conduct
- §7.212 K. Neutrality Law Conviction
- §7.213 L. Overthrow of the Government Conduct
- §7.214 M. Public Safety Conduct
- §7.215 N. Religious Freedom Violation Conduct
- §7.216 O. Sabotage Conduct
- §7.217 P. Sabotage Conviction
- §7.218 Q. Selective Service Conviction
- §7.219 R. Terrorist Conduct
- §7.220 S. Terrorist Training Recipient Conduct
- §7.221 T. Threats Against the President and Successors Conviction
- §7.222 U. Torture Conduct
- §7.223 V. Trading With the Enemy Conviction
- §7.224 W. Treason or Sedition Conviction
§ 7.176 6. Non-Substantive Offenses
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The firearms deportation ground lists certain substantive firearms offenses, such as possession of a firearm. See § 7.170, supra. It also expressly lists “attempting or conspiring” to commit a listed offense. [1255] Before those terms were added to the statute, however, they were not included in the ground of deportation. See § 7.178, infra. It includes offering or soliciting to sell a firearm, but no other soliciting offenses.
[1255] INA § 237(a)(2)(C), 8 U.S.C. § 1227(a)(2)(C).