Criminal Defense of Immigrants


§ 2.36 G. Ineffective Assistance of Counsel

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There are a number of ways in which our failure to protect our clients against immigration consequences of criminal cases may be considered ineffective assistance of counsel.[55]

[55] E.g., Annot., Ineffective Assistance of Counsel: Misrepresentation, or Failure to Advise, of Immigration Consequences of Guilty Plea — Federal Cases, 90 alr Fed. 748; Annot., Ineffectiveness of Counsel: Misrepresentation, or Failure to Advise, Of Immigration Consequences Of Guilty Plea — State Cases, 65 alr 4th 719; Annot., Ineffective Assistance of Counsel: Misrepresentation, or Failure to Advise, of Immigration Consequences of Waiver of Jury Trial, 103 alr Fed. 867; Annot., Ineffective Assistance of Counsel: Failure to Seek Judicial Recommendation Against Deportation . . . ., 94 alr Fed. 868.