Criminal Defense of Immigrants
§ 8.2 (B)
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(B) Resources. To obtain a useful overview of the plea negotiation process, counsel should consider reviewing general sources on this subject.[1] It may be useful to review the American Bar Association Standards governing the prosecution’s duties in the plea negotiation process.[2] Counsel should also be aware of the responsibilities of defense counsel under the ABA Standards on the Defense Function.[3] A great deal of very valuable research has been conducted on the negotiation process in general. See § 8.14, infra.
[1] E.g., A. Amsterdam, I Trial Manual for the Defense of Criminal Cases [201], et seq. (1988); G. Herman, Plea Bargaining (2d ed. 2004); D. Rossman, Criminal Law Advocacy: Guilty Pleas (1983).
[2] ABA Standards for Criminal Justice on the Prosecution Function, Standards 4-4.1, et seq. (1993).
[3] ABA Standards for Criminal Justice on the Defense Function, Standards 4-6.1, et seq. (1993).