Post-Conviction Relief for Immigrants


§ 3.23 B. Correcting California State Criminal History Records

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The process of correcting state criminal history records varies from state to state.  The following description uses California as an example.


            First, obtain certified copies of the original court records reflecting the correct state of affairs, and submit them, with a completed form entitled “Claim of Alleged Inaccuracy or Incompleteness” to:


California Department of Justice

Record Review Unit

P.O. Box 903417

Sacramento, CA 94203‑4170


Once the Department of Justice has corrected its record, counsel can send that to the FBI which will then correct its records.  If this does not result in a satisfactory answer from the Department of Justice informally, the client is entitled to a hearing under Penal Code § 11126(c) to determine the truth of the matter.