We help find immigration-safe plea bargains, advise immigration lawyers how to argue in immigration court that a conviction does not cause immigration damage, and find strategies to reopen criminal cases to eliminate immigration damage.

Legal Services

We help find immigration-safe plea bargains, advise immigration lawyers how to argue in immigration court that a conviction does not cause immigration damage, and find strategies to reopen criminal cases to eliminate immigration damage.


We write, publish, and update well-organized newsletters and practice manuals on the intersection of criminal and immigration law, to assist criminal and immigration lawyers and their clients to avoid deportation.


For 20 years, this office has given seminars to thousands of immigration and criminal lawyers nationwide on how to avoid immigration consequences from criminal cases.

Tooby’s Guide to Criminal Immigration Law

This FREE download gives you a straightforward guide of 200 pages as an overview of how criminal cases cause immigration damage, and how to avoid it. Download it now

Criminal Defense of Immigrants

This 3000-page practice manual describes the field of criminal immigration law in detail, for both criminal and immigration lawyers, and has been cited by the U.S. Supreme Court as an “authoritative treatise.”

Aggravated Felonies

This 1000-page reference work contains all judicial decisions defining what is and what is not an aggravated felony conviction, for use in both criminal and immigration courts nationwide.