Safe Havens


§ 2.8 (A)

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Chart 1:

Conviction-Based Grounds of Deportation

by Nature of the Ground


            NOTE: The 20 conviction-based grounds of deportation are listed here organized into criminal, immigration, and security grounds and alphabetically within each category.  The balance of the total of 51 grounds of deportation are omitted from this list since they do not require a conviction to trigger them, but may be found in Appendix A, which contains the complete list of all grounds of deportation.


Criminal Grounds

Aggravated felony conviction. Appendix A, [1]

Crime of moral turpitude – one conviction. Appendix A, [2]

Crime of moral turpitude – multiple convictions. Appendix A, [3]

Controlled substances conviction. Appendix A, [5]

Domestic violence/stalking/child abuse convictions. Appendix A, [6]

Firearms or destructive device conviction. Appendix A, [9]


Immigration Grounds

Border crossing conviction. Appendix A, [10]

Fraud – registration document fraud conviction. Appendix A, [15]

Fraud – visa fraud conviction. Appendix A, [16]

High speed flight from immigration checkpoint conviction. Appendix A, [17]

Smuggling – importation for immoral purpose conviction. Appendix A, [20]


Security Grounds

Espionage conviction. Appendix A, [31]

Foreign Agent Registration Act conviction. Appendix A, [33]

Foreign espionage trainee registration conviction. Appendix A, [34]

Neutrality law conviction. Appendix A, [39]

Sabotage conviction. Appendix A, [44]

Selective Service conviction. Appendix A, [45]

Threats against the President and successors conviction. Appendix A, [48]

Trading with the enemy conviction. Appendix A, [50]

Treason or sedition conviction. Appendix A, [51]