
Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit.

Legal Services for Individuals
Servicios para Los Particulares
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The Second Title

a whole bunch of words, and then some more words. Words come from letters, and letters happen to represent sounds. Although, I should note, not all letters represent sounds. Somtimes the letters are silent. There are plenty of language where that's not an issue however, if it so happens that silent letters bother you.
a whole bunch of words, and then some more words. Words come from letters, and letters happen to represent sounds. Although, I should note, not all letters represent sounds.
Somtimes the letters are silent.
Contact Us
Contact Us
Law Office of Norton Tooby
2831 Telegraph Ave.
Oakland, CA 94609
Phone: (510) 601-1300
Fax: (510) 595-6772
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Location and Driving Directions
Law Offices of Norton Tooby
2831 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609
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This website offers short articles concerning a number of popular topics in the field of criminal immigration law. A summary of the most critical information has been included on the following topics:
Legal Services
Legal Services
We offer the following legal services:
Initial consultations for individuals, families, criminal and immigration lawyers on criminal immigration issues, such as safe pleas and how to avoid deportation.
Full investigations and written reports including arguments against deportation in immigration court, and feasibility studies on the chances of reopening convictions in criminal court to obtain an immigration-safe alternative disposition.
Providing strategies and sample pleadings for efforts to obtain post-conviction relief to reopen criminal convictions in criminal court to avoid their adverse immigration consequences.
Our consultations include review of criminal history documents and immigration status, and a telephone or personal conference with one to three staff members for 1.5 hours, including written notes. Learn more about our consultation process.
Investigation and Report
A full investigation includes obtaining all necessary documents from the criminal file, original counsel’s file, and the immigration file, doing a complete written analysis and legal research, and outlining a strategy for avoiding immigration damage both in immigration court and criminal court.
Post-Conviction Relief
We develop a strategy for re-entering criminal court, reopening the original conviction or sentence, and obtaining an alternative immigration-safe disposition in any court in the country. We also provide sample pleadings and court documents to be tailored to the client's case. We work through local counsel best placed to win the necessary relief, who draft and finalize court documents, negotiate with the prosecutor, and handle the court appearances.

Legal Services for Attorneys & Individuals
We offer legal services to assist immigration lawyers, criminal lawyers, and individuals.